Finally An Update!
So it's been forever since I've updated everyone on what we've been up to and how the girls are doing.
The girls are almost 4 months into their first school year. Their first week of school was great, but from then it seemed to go down hill. We had a really hard time for awhile getting the girls off to school without lots of tears. I too was getting frustrated because when they would come home, I would find FULL lunches in their lunch bags. Finally after a few weeks I contacted their teacher and told her that things had to change. They both were coming home starving, and seemed as if they would eat anything in sight. So of course dinner became a write off on school nights. She told me that she would monitor them more during the lunch hour and try to get them to eat. Since then, they have been coming home with almost next to no lunch and are not as hungry after school.
This week we have the girls "parent -teacher" night and I am so excited to hear what she has to say about them. Especially since they are enjoying going to school more now. I recently met a few of their little friends at a Birthday party and they are a really sweet group of kids.
Since I am so far behind with an update, I thought I'd post some pictures that have been taken this fall.
Our first Fall outing was to Fruittogo. This year, I swear it was about 5 minutes into apple picking and the entire basket was full! They love picking apples and always look forward to getting out to the orchard.

We also took the girls to the Rockton Fair this year. All I can say about this fair is AWESOME! we will be heading back every year. The girls both really enjoyed the pony rides, the dog show, and of course the smash up derby at night. They got a big kick out of watching the cars smash into each other over and over again.

We also have a new family member named Bella. Olivia and Avery have been bugging me for so long to have a kitten and of course I always knew I would get them one since I love animals, but I wasn't planning on getting one this soon. But I completely caved when I saw this sweet little face.

Bella is now 12 weeks old and I have to say she is the sweetest little thing ever! She loves to play like most kittens do, but she also really loves to cuddle. She could be in full play mode, but once you pick her up and hold her for awhile she falls asleep right in your arms and will actually stay there.
Her favorite place to sleep is in Avery's bed. And of course Avery is loving it. There have been a few occasions I've had to go in to Avery's room and take Bella out because she will wake up Avery by playing with her hair and jumping on her toes.

We didn't have the greatest Halloween this year. The day before Halloween was when the H1N1 clinics opened their doors to start the vaccines. After a three hour wait, we finally got in, got our H1N1 shot in one arm and the seasonal flu shot in the other. Both girls developed fevers and my poor little Livvy was vomiting most of the night and into the next day. She wasn't fully up to going out trick or treating, but she was such a trooper and stayed out for about an hour.
Avery only developed a fever that lasted a day. She tolerated the shots very well. Just complained of a very sore arm for a few days.

These last set of pictures were taken at the first Santa Claus Parade they girls went to. This was an evening parade in Cambridge, I didn't make it to this one with them , and from what i hear it didn't even come close to the parade in Waterdown that we also go to every year.

See they haven't changed since my last update, still as silly as ever!!